Just a short post today to RAVE about one of my former students.
Please go over and check out Jersey Knitter
Who won not one.....But TWO blue ribbons at the Garden State Sheep Breeders Festival !
I am so very proud of her :o)
On another note...
I hit 15 weeks yesterday. Feeling fine except for a possible ear infection that I am fighting with all I've got and some pulling and stretching in my lower half as those little beans grow :o)
I should have knitting and spinning photos soon.
I am spinning some very fine merino for my Maryland stock, have 62 new drop spindles that just need hooks and signing, have knit 5 little baby hats and 4 pair of baby socks, 3 baby kimonos/two bibs/one burp cloth from Mason Dixon Knitting, and started a sweater from the Yarn Girls book for kids. I guess since I'm starting to slow down in my running around my knitting and spinning are picking up :o) My goal is to use up a lot of my yarn and fiber stash and be ready for Maryland before the beans arrive. Dad and I still plan on going even if we take the beans with us! So you will know it's us when you see two people with little babies strapped to their chests! I think he is more excited about spending the weekend with the babies than with me :oP