Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Last night Gail, Cathy and I went to see The Yarn Harlot (aka Stephanie Pearl-McPhee) at the Rutherford Library here in NJ. She was funny and talked about things that are so true in my life. The whole thing about non-knitters (muggles) not understanding our fascination with all things fiber and the description of "the look" that we close to home :o) We laughed and knit (I spun) and we talked with other knitters and bought her new book and I got my photo taken with her sock (you have to read her Blog to understand why this thrills me) and I brought her gifts!!! I gifted her with some of my hand dyed, handspun and a drop spindle with a fall leaf on it. She seemed to be thrilled. I say seemed, because I try not to over estimate how people react to my gifts, I don't want to presume too much. She said how she was missing having a spindle with her and she got all wide eyed at the yarn. Who am I kidding! SHe liked them :o) She was just wonderful. A truly sweet sweet woman.

Look Photos! I know you only come here for the photos ;oP

Stephanie taking photos of us

Stephanie talking :o)

See Stephanie! You don't look all demonic in this photo....quite authorly (is that even a word?)

I finally met Mary Beth Temple of the Blog We live in the same would think we may have run into each other at some point..but sadly no. She and I have exchanged comments and it was cool to put a face to a name. She had on her lovely Clap (great choice BTW) and we chatted a bit. After, we stopped at an ice cream place and got all sugared up and came home and weirded Adam out for a bit. Then everyone went home.

When it rains it pours! Today, when I got back from dropping Adam of at the train I found the masons here at the house checking out my front stoop. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! They are right this very minute pounding the old concrete and brick into little pieces and hauling it away!! Why am I so excited? Why does this make me happy? Because I have been fixing, patching and masking the holes in my front stoop with plants for years now....and I'm getting a new one!!! YIPPPPPPPEEEEEE! The down side is that there is lots of power tools going, making sparks and I had to dig up half of my late blooming tulips so that they would not step on them...most have already started to grow flower heads, they may not survive the move and re-plant, but I will try. There is much banging and thudding and the cats have gone to the basement to hide from the attack upon the house. Hazel looked at me as if to say "Sweet Jesus! What the Hell!" and ran, with his tail straight up in the air, down the stairs.If you have any interest in what was found under the stairs when they got the top layer off, take a look at these photos. It's a wonder the thing was standing up at all. The cinder blocks that form the base are a crumbled black mess and I think if the guys pushed gently with the pry bar the whole thing tumbled over. Kinda scary.

On another house related note...I had a sign on the front of my unit that said "609-615" with an arrow pointing away from my unit. This sign was misleading to people (cab drivers, ambulance, police, fire) and I had asked last year if it could be moved. I asked when I was on the board if it could be moved. Finally today it was moved to a place on the building where it makes sense...another YAY I say!!!

I am now going to go make Charosis and spiced nuts for Passover tomorrow. MMMMMMM spiced nuts :o)


At Tuesday, April 18, 2006 9:42:00 AM, Blogger sheep#100 said...

I was there, too, and the spindle was really pretty!

At Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You blogger, you! I finally know another knit blogger IRL. Happy dance ensues.

Sadly, I have no working camera available to me so my blog has no pictures. Not much fun without pictures.

See you on the list!

At Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:06:00 AM, Blogger Gina said...

Hi Stacey. I met you on the Yarn Cruise through The Point. I was with the knitter in the arm sling. I just wanted to say "hello".

At Thursday, April 20, 2006 3:22:00 PM, Blogger NeedleTart said...

Ooh! Spiced nuts? Share! I know Pesach ends at sundown, but I am soooo sick of granola (see my blog). What's your recipe?

At Wednesday, May 10, 2006 10:39:00 PM, Blogger MBT said...

Just waving hello - was MS&W all you dreamed of? I can't believe I missed everybody - I was at the wrong stage at 1:30 and couldn't figure out why no one looked familiar!


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