Thank you to my Secret Pal!
She sent me two sets of buttons from Allison Cole. She sent me Evil and Pirates! So very cute! Please send her some good wishes, she has been a bit under the weather and we all want her to be well :o)
Yay snow! Even with all the shoveling and driving and slippery roads, I still like snow. Please enjoy it if you have a chance :o)
In the world of Knitting Olympics : "The Baby item" is giving me a bit of trouble. Somewhere between my gague swatch and my cast on my tension changes. Poop! I got very far before I bothered to measure (I got distracted by the shiny opening ceremonies) and ended up frogging it all and starting over. I'm now about 1/3 of the way done with the front. No photos yet, hopefully later.
I hope you all are sucessful in your KO projects!