I have not posted here forever...there is a reason for that...
I'm pregnant.....with twins!!!
I'm 14 weeks today :o) The last ultrasound, which was last Saturday (the reason we could not go to Maine this past weekend) told us that The Beans (that's what we call them) are playing rock-em-sock-em robots in my belly!
The stats:
Bean A : 7.8cm long, heart rate 150
Bean B: 7.2cm long, heart rate 160
I don't want to jinx myself...but so far I have had a rather uneventful pregnancy. No sickness, one or two leg cramps, a few head achs.....I have just been very very tired. At the 12 week mark a big chunk of that tired went away and I seem to have a little energy back, but only a little. The only other thing I have been worried about is my lack of weight gain. The Beans are growing and I'm starting to get a noticeable bump, but to date I have gained 1/8 of a pound. I'm eating a sensible diet, I walk on the treadmill 30 min at least four times a week, and my eating is timed at about every 2-3 hours to keep a steady stream of nutrients going to the Beans. My doctor does not seem to be worried...so for now I will try not to either :o) It's just hard not to find something to think on.
We don't plan on finding out the gender of The Beans, which is a source of angst for some people :oP We may change our minds, we may not. This whole process is one of sitting back and letting things happen and both Adam and I are OK with that :o)
The thing we are getting questions about.....names. We are open to hearing suggestions :o) Maybe I will set up a poll and you all can vote on the ones you like.
We are taking steps towards turing Adam's office (the second bedroom upstairs) into a nursery. It looks like we might be going with colors similar to our living room (deep red and a rusty pumpkin orange) with accents in other deep primary tones. I really want to go with a scheme that that blends with the rest of our house.
So that's the scoop! I'm going to take a nap now :oP